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Petit Futé

Immunization, malaria, health related problem in Myanmar?


There is no mandatory immunization for travelling to Myanmar (not even yellow fever). If you come from a country in Africa or in South America, it will be necessary for you, as for all the other countries in Asia, to get a certification of vaccination against the yellow fever.

Practically, contact your doctor, some immunization should be completed:

- Typhoid fever,

- Rabies (if you intend to remain a long time in the countryside, or in a remote monastery) .

- New shot of DT immunization

- Japanese Encephalatitis : it is not mandatory in Myanmar (but it is now for Thai people in Thailand). Nobody knows for sure what is the prevalence of this disease in Myanmar, but for sure, it is very hight (and really higher than the official stats..)
If you are planning to go in countryside for a while, or to stay in Myanmar, it is better to get the shot.

Log on "Pasteur Institute" wed site, you will find all the advice about immunization for every country. Go to our "links" section, you will have a list of medical related problem web site.

Part of the guide "Health advice" printed by Air France

Dengue - chikungunya

Every year during the monsoon we have an outbreak of Dengue in Myanmar, especially in Yangon area.
There is also all year long quite a lot of Chikungunya around Bagan.

Use moquistos repellent and try to avoid as much as possible moquitos bites. There is nothing to do to treat these disease, except patience (and paracetamol).

DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN in you have fewer symptom while travelling in the tropics, or a dengue prone area. Dengue could be hemorragic, aspirin will make it worst.

Malaria : Prophylaxies + insect repellent

Burma (Myanmar) is definitively a country with malaria with strong resistance to medicine.

Nevertheless, WHO considers since november 2011 that the risk is very limited (close to zero) for a tourist in th Bagan Inle Yangon Mandalay area...... Could be.

In the meantime you can log on "Malaria Atlas project" : Here
or download malaria map in Asia: Here
or download WHO malaria map for Myanmar (who 2011):Here

Get advices for your doctor !!

Special note regarding Lariam (Mefloquine).

Again one of our customer had to stop his holidays and come back home in emergency because of a deep depression (5-12-2005).
He was using Lariam as anti-malaria drug.
We advice you to have a talk with your doctor about the very important (and frequent) side effects of this product (expensive and not very effective in Myanmar).
From our side, we do not recommend it.

The best idea is to avoid the bites !

80 % of all the bites occur from one hour before the sunset to one hour after the sunset.

Wear long sleeve clothes, put a lot of insect repellent and do not forget to buy an insect repellent for your clothes. Most of the bites are made throughout your clothes.

Insurance : MANDATORY.

You must take an insurance that will cover you in case a medical problem, car accident...etc
If you already have a travel insurance, be sure that :

- You are cover in Burma,
- You know their emergency phone number,
- Everybody travelling with you is protected (children, spouse..),
- You know the procedure to contact your insurance company.
- Your insurance will pay for a medical evac to Thailand (you do not want to stay here if you have a big problem....).

If you travel in Burma with Ananda Travel Yangon (with or without guide) we will give you an emergency phone card written in Burmese/English/French with some emergency phone number in Myanmar ( useful phone number).

Moreover, you can always contact our office in Yangon 24h a day (when the phone line work), but we are not an insurance company.