Emergency phone numbers - Myanmar - Burma

Ananda travels Yangon :

We are open every day from 9h to 18h, except Sunday whole day and Saturday afternoon. For our customers, when they are in Myanmar, we give them also two emergency phone numbers for evening / night call. During public holidays, we continue to welcome our customers at airport and our emergency phones numbers are open.

  • Tel :+95 9 425 328 182 - Office
  • Tel :+95 9 316 359 26 - Office
  • Tel :+95 250 373 464 - Office
  • Viber : + 95 9 793 308 690
  • Whats App : +95 9 793 308 69

    If you have a medical emergency, please call emergency phone number at SOS Clinic in Yangon or Dr Cattin at Parami Samitivej hospital in Yangon.
    All our guides have all the usefull phones numbers and we give to our customers an emergency phone numbers list in English and Myanmar.

  • Parami hospital: Dr Olivier Cattin

    Parami hospital is a pediatric hospital with an emergency service for children and adults. This is one of the two hospital / emergency service you must call in case of medical problem (even if you are travelling outside Yangon. Do not trust local hospitals).
    ER is located at the ground floor, just in front of you when you enter to the hospital (do not turn right in the hospital, and just open the door in front of you).
    At the 11th floor, you have the French Doctor, Olivier Cattin a very good doctor, with an extensive knowledge of what you can get in Myanmar.
    You can see him for simple medical problem (as a GP) or for the emergency.
    He is always in charge of all medical evacuation to Thailand.

  • Address : Samitivej Parami Clinic 11th Floor of Parami Hospital. N°60 Parami Road - Mayangone Township - Yangon - Myanmar

  • Operator : (95) 1 657 987 - 1 667 592
  • Medical check-up :(95) 9 448 006 093
  • Emergency :(95) 9 -319 11 541 ou 9 -319 11 542
  • Email :ocattin28@gmail.com ou interclinic@samitivel-mm.com

  • Ayerwwaddy river north of Mandalay - looking for dolphins

    SOS Clinic at Yangon:

    SOS Clinic is located at the ground floor of the Inya Lake hotel in Yangon (right of the main entrance of the hotel, cross the under pass and the packing).
    With the 11th floor of Parami hospital, this is also a very good address to go

  • Address : Inya Lake Hotel 37 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon
  • Tel: +95 1 657 922
  • Email: reception.ygn@internationalsos.com
  • Website : Sos Clinic Myanmar

  • Emergency Contact Information for U.S. Citizens

  • Address: 110 University Ave, Kamayut Township, Rangoon, Burma
  • Business Hours: 08:00am – 4:30pm (MON-FRI), except for Embassy Holidays
  • Phone: (95)- (1) 536-509
  • Fax: (95)-(1)-511-069
  • E-mail: ACSRangoon@state.gov
    If calling the After Hours Embassy Telephone, explain that you want to speak to the Duty Officer or a Consular Officer.

    The safety and well-being of United States citizens in Burma is the Consular Office’s primary concern. Consular Officers and staff are able to assist citizens in distress, citizens who are the victims of crime, and citizens who find themselves in other emergency situations.

    All non-emergency routine services are by appointment only. Appointments are available Monday-Friday, between 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. and can be made online at the Embassy’s ACS Online Appointment System. For emergency services, please contact us directly by phone or email.

  • Web site : https://mm.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/emergency-contact

  • British Embassy Rangoon and consulate in Yangon

    British Embassy Rangoon
    80 Strand Road
    (Box No 638)
    Rangoon - Burma

  • Telephone (95) (1) 370865
  • Telephone (95) (1) 256438
  • Fax (95) (1) 370866
  • Office hours (Local time): Monday to Thursday – 8.00am to 4.30pm, Friday – 8.00am to 1.00pm

  • Consulate web site : http://www.british-consulate.org/british-embassy-in-burma.html

  • Hot air Balloon - Bagan

    Petit Futé

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    Ananda Travels Yangon accepts credit card payment on its website (Visa and Mastercard). We have a 3D secure certification (highest security for our customers).

    Please log on our desktop website version for information about Myanmar: Here
    Keep in mind that the display is not optimized for phone and small tablets (better use a desktop screen).
    Une version plus complète de notre site est disponible en version "desktop" : Here
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